Sir – As a person who cycles along Heath Road, I read with horror about the accident to the cyclist (RTT, October 24).

Everyone who cycles relies on other road users doing the sensible and safe thing in order to keep them safe on the road.

The bus lane in Heath Road is for the use of cyclists as well as buses. Car drivers must take care when crossing them to gain access to or from a side road. There really is no excuse for this accident to happen.

Saying that the situation along there is waiting for an accident to happen is rubbish.

It is a perfectly safe location provided car drivers do what is required of them. Allowing car drivers to enter the bus lane shortly before the turning is just a sop to enable them to avoid a bit more queuing.

Cyclists are always on the lookout for turning cars; one of the indicators they look for is the flashing indicator light. A driver who suddenly decides to turn left or right is far more likely not to indicate; this can put a cyclist at real risk.

Sensible and courteous driving is the answer, not making changes to the road layout.

East Twickenham