Almost every school has either both a head girl and/or a head boy to act as a role model to younger students in the school. But what is the significance of having this role for students? And is it too much work?

This position puts immense amount of responsibilities on these chosen students, usually requiring extra hours of work, meetings and talks in front of the school - all in their final year of school while they prepare for their exams.

So why do schools have these? Well, not only is it a commitment to your school and showcase of academic abilities. Jess Leunig, a Year 12 student running for head girl at Wimbledon High School describes how, "headship really isn't a relevant CV kudo so it's a testament to a drive for leadership and a lot of school spirit". This position, although holding a lot of responsibilities, goes beyond good public speaking and being academically talented. It is a demonstration of dedication towards to your school and becoming representative of the ideal student with spirit and enthusiasm.

Having students work closely with teachers and involved in school projects is also important in giving students a voice at their school. Isabelle Jeeves, another student running for Head Girl at WHS describes how "their ideas of how to approach different moments of our school life can really benefit the school". Not only do they get opinions from someone directly involved in the school, but they can work alongside them to make positive changes. Therefore, having head girls/boys although requiring a lot of effort and duties, is worth keeping in the system.



By Charlotte D'Angelo