New Years Resolutions are an essential part of every New Year. Everybody makes them, yet nobody seems to stick to them. To stop eating chocolate, go to the gym, exercise more seem like achievable targets when you are on the topic of self improvement, however nearly a month into the New Year, approaching the end of January and already three out of the 4 members of my family have in some way or another, failed their Resolutions, including myself. Is it because we set ourselves unrealistic goals? Is there a better method for creating resolutions?

In my opinion, sticking completely to a New Year's Resolution is not behind the spirit of the deal you make with yourself. Rather, real self improvement is merely improving yourself across a broad subject. This could be becoming fitter rather than not eating chocolate. You may give up chocolate, however chocolate is not inherently bad for you. It's essentially taking away a piece of happiness for the sake of change, rather than improving yourself. In fact, by not eating chocolate you may lose weight, however cutting down on the whole spectrum of unhealthy foods, or exercising more will do far more and take far less pain to go through