Every year after the fireworks dazzle in the sky on New Years Eve majority of us set resolutions to make the next year better than the last. These consist of goals and aspirations to improve ourselves but is this the most beneficial way to change our habits?

There are 365 days in a year to give up sugar or go to the gym however it is only on this date that goals are made and are usually primarily taken seriously, yet this inspiration fades not after long. People are encouraged to get healthier and buy gym memberships which they use for a month and then stop going. This has many disadvantages - the gym is expensive and has not improved your overall health.

Many people create new years resolutions because of hearing their friends discussing how they will change their lives this year, this extrinsic motivation forms a pressure around the goal which can lead to giving it up.

A more sustainable way is to make sustainable new year's resolutions by spending time examining what you need to do to improve yourself, this is individual and specific to you rather than what suits someone else more. By cleaning your room every day and organising where everything should be it is less stressful and easier to find items, this can make your mind clearer and is a simple action which is sustainable throughout the whole year.

This year whilst setting your resolutions try to think about specific goals to help your lifestyle rather than making them due to peer pressure.