A FORMER Countdown winner pictured with a selection of letters that spell out ‘Paedo’ has been jailed after discussing the rape and murder of a young child.

Craig Chittenden, 33, told other paedophiles he would like to abduct and abuse little children and persuaded a woman in America to sexually abuse her daughter as he watched for his twisted pleasure.

The vile pervert was caught after police in County Durham were told by FBI special agents in Dallas, Texas, that he had been exchanging messages with a suspect they had under surveillance.

At around the same, in February 2020, he arranged a visit to the south of England to sexually abuse a ten-year-old girl having planned the trip with a man he believed was her father, but was, in fact, an undercover police officer.

Prosecuting, Jane Waugh said he also shared 24 indecent images of children during a conversation with another paedophile, which came to light when Chittenden, of Hall Lane Estate, Willington, was arrested.

Ms Waugh said: “Both parties discussed the kidnapping and murder of a young child.

“The defendant wrote: ‘If I kidnap, we can’t risk DNA or talking and killing will have to be done.

“He further stated that he would like the child to be three of four years old.

“He wrote: ‘We will probably only keep her for a day max, a few rapes then end it. Smothering maybe.’

“The discussion then switched to how to get rid of the body.”

Richmond and Twickenham Times: A mugshot of Chittenden taken after his arrest. Picture: DURHAM CONSTABULARY A mugshot of Chittenden taken after his arrest. Picture: DURHAM CONSTABULARY

Ms Waugh said when Chittenden was arrested and interviewed by detectives he dismissed the deeply disturbing discussions as ‘fantasy and escapism’.  

He said he had no sexual interest in children, but admitted being sexually aroused by the images.

In a second interview he said he could not remember the chat about the abuse, torture and murder of a child, but did not dispute it.

When police visited his home, they found almost 1,000 indecent images and over four hours of video footage featuring children as young as two being raped by adults, as well as extreme animal pornography with horses, dogs and cats.

He also said the planned to visit to the south of England to abuse a child was ‘fantasy’ and that he had ‘fallen down a rabbit hole’ into new areas.

The court heard he held online video chats with a woman in the United States who sexually abused her young daughter while Chittenden watched.

She has now been jailed as well.

As a 22-year-old student, in 2010, Chittenden appeared on the hit Channel 4 show Countdown and enjoyed a winning streak before he was beaten in the semi-final by a 15-year-old boy.

At the time, his success made him the toast of Bishop Auckland College where fellow students followed his progress on screens in the dining room.

Lecturers described him as a ‘great role model’ to others due to his skill on the letters and numbers brainteaser.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Chittenden pictured during his time on the show Chittenden pictured during his time on the show

Read more: How the Northern Echo reported Chittenden's time on Countdown 

Chittenden pleaded guilty to a charge of arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sexual offence, inciting the sexual exploitation of girl under 13, possessing extreme pornography, distributing indecent photographs, and three counts of making indecent photographs.

All of the offending took place between March 2017 and February 2020.

Mitigating, Robert Mochrie said: “This is clearly extremely serious, and the defendant appreciates that. The only mitigation is the guilty pleas.

“He fully accepts that he is responsible for what he has done.”

Mr Mochrie said at the time of the offending Chittenden was struggling the death of a relative, and seeking help for a close friend battling alcoholism.

Mr Mochrie said: “That being said, we all go through difficult times in our

lives and don’t resort to behaviour like this.

“He does seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation he is in and does not seek to blame others for all of this.”

Chittenden was given an extended prison sentence of 12 years and told he will serve at least eight years in prison before a parole hearing will determine whether he should be released into the community to serve the remainder on licence.  

Judge Ray Singh said: “There was a clear interest in sadistic torture, extreme violence and sexual offences towards children.

“You remained emotionless and detached.

“When one looks at whether there is a risk to members of the public of serious harm, that also means children.

“I come to the conclusion, after having heard everything about, you that you do pose a significant risk of sexual, physical and emotional harm to children.

“In my view you are a dangerous offender.”


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