A love of movies and a passion for the golden days of Hollywood has led to an Oscar nomination for filmmaker Bobby Webster.

Mr Webster, 32, has been based between Brooklyn and Gilpin Road, East Sheen, for the past 10 years making independent movies.

Now, after years of hard work, his latest project God of Love has been given the nod by Hollywood’s most famous awards body.

He said: “We are all very excited and very honoured.

“I should point out my name is not on the Oscar, that is the director, but it is just a great honour and something we were not really expecting. I don’t think anyone really expects it.

“I was the cinematographer on the film - the person who makes the film look the way it looks and works closely designing the sets.

“It was a huge surprise [to be nominated] as you never think your work is good enough... [but] it makes it all worthwhile.”

Mr Webster said God of Love - the tale of a lovesick darts-throwing lounge singer who ends up in possession of cupid type love darts - was designed to evoke the feeling of old-style Hollywood cinema.

Shot in black and white, the film was also a chance for Mr Webster and former flatmate Luke Matheny to finally work together creating the type of film they love.

Mr Webster said: “It was nice to do something a bit more like classic storytelling and it was fun to make the kind of film we would like to watch ourselves.

“We went through and watched lots of old films and then created a look that we liked - replicating the look of classic Hollywood.

“I have always been really into films, and remember watching films as a child with my mum but it was not something I was going to go into necessarily... then it dawned on me as I liked watching film so much it would be nice to make them.”

God of Love has been nominated in the short film (live action) category of the awards. Mr Webster will find out whether the 18-minute film has won when the 83rd annual Oscars ceremony takes place on February 27.

For more information visit bobbywebster.com.