Members of a suspected human trafficking gang were arrested today after immigration officers raided a string of homes across Hounslow.

Seven men were arrested from 10 addresses across Hounslow, Isleworth, Feltham and Southall after a nine-month covert investigation by the UK Border Agency.

Gang members are suspected to have trafficked Afghans illegally into Heathrow and then told them to claim asylum.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Immigration police search a Hounslow flat
Search: Immigration police search for evidence in the Hounslow flat.

All seven men, British nationals aged between 34 and 67, are being held on suspicion of facilitating a breach of the immigration laws.

Officers seized computer equipment from a number of homes and are examining hard drives for evidence.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: 'Human trafficking gang' arrested in dawn raids
Arrested: A suspect is led away.

UK Border Agency’s Heathrow director Philip Astle said: “We believe that we have disrupted a significant international organised criminal network, which aimed to assist people to enter the UK illegally.

“Today’s operation is the result of an extensive investigation involving both the UK Border Agency and Met Police. That investigation continues.

“The UK Border Agency has had significant success in disrupting trafficking activity. Working with our law enforcement partners we are determined to create a hostile environment for organised criminals who prey on vulnerable immigrants, and take action against those who break the law.”

Those arrested are now being questioned at a police station in west London.

The UK Border Agency estimate three-quarters of illegal immigration is associated with organised crime. Through close working with police, it is working to identify and disrupt organised immigration crime including human trafficking, fraud and forgery.