As April draws to a close, we are beginning to witness the end of mock exam season and the gradual entrance of GCSE and A Level season. As someone currently in the midst of mocks exams (and procrastinating revision as I write this article), I thought it could be appropriate to share my advice, things that I find helpful or wish I knew before.


-This may be coming a bit too late but make your revision resources as you go! Flashcards, mind maps, notes, get it all done as soon as you learn the content!


-Keep yourself hydrated during exam times. This likely has some form of scientific backing which I am not aware of but drinking as much water as I generally would, possibly even more, keeps me awake and alert when I should be.


-Make time for yourself if you can. Don’t neglect your own needs for the sake of a grade which doesn't define you. Keep healthy, sleep, keep clean, do what you enjoy and again… SLEEP. I’m writing this under a blanket with a tennis match on tv in the background and a huge bottle of water beside me even though my mind is close to screaming at me as I’m not revising for my biology or religious studies exams tomorrow.


-Again, I do not want to make any claims which I cannot back up so please do not quote me on this or expect any miracles on this but it’s something a great friend of mine taught me before a maths exam. Have a piece of dark chocolate around half an hour, 90% is my preference but have whatever you like the most. Some articles I have read claim it improves concentration but regardless of whether it's that or just the placebo effect, a piece of dark chocolate has now been ingrained in my pre-exam routine. 


-Don’t cram right before. Night before? Just a bit maybe but in the morning I restrict myself to just looking over what I know and half an hour before the exam starts, I take time to focus my breathing, empty my pockets, put my bag away and go on a mini walk before i’ll be stuck in my chair for a while. 


Regardless of whether you take these into consideration at all, I wish you the best of luck in any exams you or someone you know, will be sitting.