Swimmers in Richmond have been left "shell-shocked" after trees in Old Deer Park were felled to make way for a new bus interchange.

Ten mature trees neighbouring Pools on the Park were removed between May 28 and 29 as part of a Transport for London (TfL) scheme.

Regular pool-goer Francis Wright was angered by the "underhand way" in which the trees were removed without proper public notification.

He said: "It seems a particularly brutal way of putting in a bus stop.

"I was talking to fellow swimmers who all looked very shell-shocked.

"There's been no consultation that anyone is aware of."

Mr Wright claims that a leaflet appeared in the centre's reception overnight, after the works began, explaining that any felled trees would be replaced with semi-mature hornbeams at the end of the works period but believes this is small consolation.

He added: "This is a stunning example of poor communication and even worse public relations."

Richmond Council's cabinet member for transport and parking, Councillor David Trigg, said the TfL funded work will provide bus access to Pools on the Park and involved remodelling and reconstructing the car park. He added the council's tree officer deemed the 10 trees removed were of poor quality and would be replaced by 15 semi-mature ones.

The development is due to take 20 weeks to complete.