South West Londoners have hit out at plans to build new homes in a Richmond village over fears local roads will become dangerous for schoolkids.

The plans for Hampton Hill were submitted after a similar proposal was thrown out in 2020.

The proposals from Notting Hill Home Ownership Ltd (a member of housing association Notting Hill Genesis) would see 112 homes built across buildings up to five storeys tall on St Clare Business Park and Windmill Road.

The main change from the rejected plans is an increase in commercial floor space in one of the blocks.

The plans also include 106 car parking spaces – 19 fewer than the old proposal.

The number of homes and the heights of the buildings proposed remain the same.

Richmond locals have raised concerns the latest plans are too similar to what was rejected.

They are worried the buildings are too tall and that roads won’t be able to cope with the extra traffic from the number of homes proposed.

Around 242 residents have objected in total.

Resident Scott Clifford said the development would be “too large, overbearing, overcrowded, out of character with the village and surrounding properties” and would “cause massive traffic and parking issues to an already congested area”.

He said: “The increased traffic down Windmill Road alone will be a danger to school children arriving and leaving Hampton Hill Junior School, as I regularly see cars driving along the pavement (with children having to move out of the way) due to congestion and cars parking on the zig-zags at the pelican crossing.

“Increasing traffic in this area to the extent that this development will, can only be a very bad idea.

"The negative impact on residents and the surrounding area will be huge.

"The height of the development is totally out of character with the surrounding area, it will dominate the skyline and the street scene, fundamentally a five-storey building is in no way in keeping with the surrounding area and will change the character of Hampton Hill.”

Richard Moody from 3rd Hampton Hill Scout Group also said the extra “traffic down the local adjoining roads and through routes plus increased parking throughout Hampton Hill will be a danger to schoolchildren and those attending extracurricular activities such as scouting”.

Amit Chakraborti said: “I live about 50 [metres] from the development. I would generally welcome development of the area.

"However, I think the density and height of the flat element of the development is too great and will blight surrounding properties.”

Local businessman Marcus Allard said the site could “easily be improved to be a vibrant centre for local businesses”.

He said: “The borough has already lost a lot of small industrial spaces over the years and cannot afford to lose more.”

A spokesperson for Notting Hill Genesis said: “We are really excited by our plans for St Clare Business Park, which will provide high-quality homes, 50 per cent of which will be affordable housing, that meets the needs of local people.

"There will also be new commercial space that complements the wider area and will maximise local employment opportunities.

“We took on board the comments from Richmond-Upon-Thames’ planning committee, have amended our plans and have also taken this opportunity to improve the energy strategy and green landscaping of the site.

“The existing buildings at St Clare are no longer fit for purpose and we hope the planning committee share our excitement at what this redevelopment could mean for the immediate and surrounding area, and how beneficial these new homes, particularly the affordable housing, will be for the borough.”