Richmond Council has been rated the best in England for supporting vulnerable adults.

It allows people aged 18 to 64 to remain independent in their homes and not move into a care home – according to the Adult Social Care Annual Report 2020-21.

The report sets out the Council’s achievements and challenges in supporting adults in social care from April 2020 to March 2021.

Highlights from the report show that of the thirteen national performance indicators, Richmond upon Thames is top in London for four of them with another two in the top quartile.

It also highlights how Richmond Council has performed in comparison to other London Councils.

Over the time period, the Council supported 1,700 residents to return home after a period of stay in hospital, nearly 1,400 residents to remain independent by providing care and support in their homes and supported over 500 carers to help them to continue caring for their loved ones.

The Council also responded to over 1,700 safeguarding concerns, with 92 per cent of responses removing or reducing the concern.

Cllr Piers Allen, chair of the adult social services, health and housing committee and chair of the richmond health and wellbeing board, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge our Adult Social Care service, and this report shows how our care and social workers have gone above and beyond adapting to continue to support vulnerable residents in Richmond upon Thames.

“Our borough has the sixth highest proportion of people over 80 in London and one of the highest levels of life expectancy in England.

“By 2023, it is expected that the number of people aged 75 to 84 years will have increased by over 1,300.

"With this will come increasing pressures, but we are determined to continue being a leader in providing quality public care services and a borough that is one of the best places to live.

“Ultimately, we want everyone to be able to live happy, healthy and independent lives in Richmond upon Thames.”