How does drinking water help you?

We all know that it is essential to drink water in order to stay hydrated, and that we must drink 2 litres of water per day.

You probably also know that drinking water replaces fluids that are lost from the body even from skin evaporation.

However, there are many more benefits that you may not know.


1.       Removes toxins from your body

2.       Prevent many diseases

3.       Contributes to smooth and healthy skin

4.       Increases energy levels

5.       Is essential for cell repair

6.       Prevents memory loss

7.       Lubricates and acts as a cushion for your joints (preventing/helping with the underlying problems of arthritis)

8.       Cushions organs

9.       Carries nutrients and minerals around your body to where they are needed

10.   Makes up about 30% of your bones

If you don’t drink enough water each day, you will become dehydrated, feel lethargic and have a higher risk of illness.

It is known that generally you can only survive 3 days without water, but up to 3 weeks without food. This shows how water plays a significant role in allowing our bodies to function, and if you don’t drink enough water per day, your body and brain won’t function as well as they could.

So, next time you feel like drinking a cup of coffee or tea (which can dehydrate your body) when you don’t really “need” to, think twice, because water is your best friend.