As our 10-month old church experiences our first Easter, the excitement is growing as we look to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what that means to us as a church family. And how we can change our lives to show are eternal gratitude towards God and his sacrificing his son to help us reach salvation.

  The lead up to Easter has been packed with fun activities for all the of the children to be a part of, and to help them understand the meaning of Easter and why it is such an important time in our community.

  The Children first Easter/Spring activity began on 26th of March (Mother’s Day) where the children began the Easter video, explaining the story of Easter, and then for their creative exercise they made bouquets of daffodils to give to their mothers, as well as saying how grateful they were for their mothers.  For the adults, the sermon also surrounded Mother’s Day, starting with Pete, Windsor Fellowships fantastic minister, asking which mother would sacrifice their only son for someone else in the congregation, not surprisingly no one volunteered, showing how big the sacrifice was for God, to sacrifice his only son on the cross for our sins, and the love God must have for all of us.

  The second Sunday of Easter was the 2nd of April, where we had a guest speaker Matt Sellar giving the sermon, with part 2 of the Easter story from Mark’s gospel, Mark:14 58-72. The children where then invited to go to Sunday school where they enjoyed the second part of the video and were asked questions on their version of the sermon. Matt was a fantastic speaker, who explained the story of the two trials.

  The third Sunday of Easter was the 9th of April, where again the was a guest speaker called Oliver Strange who provided the third part of the Easter story from Mark 15:1-41. The story was explaining the King who came to be killed, emphasising the fact that Jesus came to die for our sins so that the relationship between God and man could be reconciled. The children like every week went upstairs to participate in their Sunday school session as they watched the third and fourth video about the story of Easter.

  On Easter day, the 16th of April, the Church had the biggest congregation it had seen for a while as people came to celebrate the death of Jesus Christ for all our sins. We had Pete Matthews back to give us out final sermon, about the resurrection of Jesus. Unlike, our usual services the sermon was split into two and the children instead of leaving for Sunday School stayed in the room to listen to Pete as he taught them and everyone else in the congregation about the final days of Jesus on earth.  Ending the Easter story for 2017 at the Windsor Fellowship Church.

Jess Norton, Sir William Perkins School