In a society where women are objectified for the length of their hair, the marks on their skin and the shape of their bodies, growing up in a girls school is full of insecurity - Insecurities fuelled by constant media pressure. Our dog eat dog world invites everyone to be at each other's throats. Mean comments are thrown around and it seems even the sweetest of characters can be swept into the land of green- eyed monsters and more. What we all have to understand is that we are the future; we are your teachers and doctors and politicians and engineers. We are your athletes and designers and bankers. Why cut us down, when it would be in your best interests to help us thrive? After all, we are the ones who will control the pension age in 10 years time…

With slogans such as ‘woman up’, our Surbiton High community prompts us to be strong and independent, daring in our choices and unfalteringly brave. Although a step out of the comfort zone for most, it is clear from recent news targeting the power of the female that we can be nothing but, if we want to succeed in this world. With a million voices telling us we cannot, all it takes is one voice to say we can, and fire up a nation motivated by the will to disapprove anyone who ever said otherwise.