The Queen’s C of E Primary School in Kew, Richmond has been recognised as an Ofsted outstanding provider. The Head Teacher, Katie Bentham, said, “I am delighted that the hard work of everyone in the school community has been recognised. I am hugely proud of The Queen’s school and what has been achieved.” 

Ofsted visited the school on 29th and 30th March 2017. The inspectors spent time with leaders, governors and children. They observed classes, meal time, activities, collective worship and joined the parents and carers in the playground to learn their perceptions of the school first hand.

Through this process the inspectors concluded that: Provision for pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is outstanding and parents, pupils and staff typically agree that the care of pupils is paramount to members of staff as quoted in the Ofsted report.

Miss Bentham said, “the children are at the heart of all we do — they are the inspiration for our work and focus.” The school has prioritised an inclusive setting where children are nurtured in a Christian community, which lives by the values of love, compassion and respect. 

Miss Bentham joined The Queen’s school from Marshgate Primary School six years ago. One of her first tasks was managing an Ofsted inspection, which yielded a good result.

Since that time teaching and learning, curriculum, leadership, secondary transfer and the move into a new building have been prioritised. The Queen’s School is the first school in the Richmond/Kingston area to move from good to outstanding since the new framework was introduced.

Please visit the school’s website to see a copy of the report. You can also visit the Ofsted website for more information.

Article supplied by Paul Adams