Eel Pie islanders are fighting big increases in charges for use of the river - but the Port of London Authority (PLA) has defended the hikes saying fees have not been increased in 20 years.

Twickenham's MP Vincent Cable has criticised the massive increases and said the PLA who levy the charges is "trying to squeeze as much money as it can from river users be they owners of moorings, river industries or houseboat owners".

Dr Cable added: "The PLA gets most of its money from the big ships in the lower Thames but it also drives a very tough bargain with river dwellers as on Eel Pie Island.

"Their attitude is pay up or you can face massive legal bills. It is a public body, a quango, but it operates very much as a law unto itself with little accountability to parliament and the public."

In some cases, Eel Pie islanders have seen their fees double. But Martin Garside of the PLA said the fee review had been discussed with the islanders since 2005: "The simple fact is that the PLA incurs heavy costs keeping the Thames in the Richmond area safe, clear and navigable for all users, including those with moorings at Eel Pie Island.

"This includes the maintenance and operation of Richmond lock and weir without which boats in that area would be aground for most of the day.

"Our operation of the lock and weir enables Eel Pie residents to use the river at that location round the clock."

"In addition the PLA invests considerably in the removal of rubbish and driftwood in the area and regular river patrols to help ensure the safety of all river users.

"We are a self-financing organisation that receives no Government grants at all nor any local authority support. In other words our services are simply funded by those who use the river."