A distressed pet owner has launched a public appeal for help following the disappearance of his six-and-a-half foot snake.

David Richens, 56, of Britannia Road, Berrylands, said his pet Louisianan pine snake went missing on Monday, August 27, but claimed he only started to worry when she failed to reappear last week.

Bizarrely, he said he thought the snake must have been in the house until he heard from a newsagent that a reptile had been found.

He said: “It was quite warm last weekend and I had a window open slightly and she’s quite a good climber so she could have got out then.”

Mr Richens, who has had his pet constrictor Elsa for about 20 months, said she has gone missing from her crate before but on previous occasions he has found her in his house.

Elsa, who Mr Richens said was rescued by a pet shop after her previous owner died, has a distinctive yellow and black colouring and he said she has never attempted to bite anyone although she may hiss if scared.

Have you seen Elsa the snake? Contact the newsroom on 020 8744 4255.