There is nothing more depressing than walking past an unimaginative building. Especially in the rain. In fact, when a building still depresses you on a glorious summer’s day you know it’s a particularly bad one.

Rubbish buildings have always brought out passionate responses. Prince Charles once famously described the proposed extension to the National Gallery as “A monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend”.

And James Bond creator Ian Fleming was said to have named his villain Goldfinger after the Hungarian architect of the same name who rose to prominence in England as a designer of concrete tower blocks, such as Trellick Tower in west London.

We may or may not share Charlie boy’s taste in architecture but he’s right about one thing. Buildings can inspire us or make us cry – or even do neither (like a street of Taylor Woodrow post-war houses. They’re just there. The Lib Dems of the architecture world). But we all know what type of buildings bring us down.

For me it’s square concrete behemoths that are the scourge of our towns and cities. You know – the sorts of buildings that are only loved by architects who don’t have to live or work in them.

The buildings on this page were photographed during a swift walk around Kingston town centre.

But here’s the deal. We want you to let us know your choices.

Which buildings have ruined our borough? Which ones do you think should book a date with the bulldozer?

Was a building with character knocked down to make way for a new monstrosity?

You can nominate the ones on this page or give us your own choices. And you can nominate as many as you like. We’ll shortlist a few for the prestigious title of Worst Building in Kingston in a couple of weeks.

The deadline for nominations is Thursday, May 3. Please include your full details as well as the name and address of the building you are nominating. Please tell us your reasons for nominating it – and if you can email us a photograph of the building that would be great – although you don’t have to.

Please email paskew@ or write to Bad Buildings Nomination, Surrey Comet, Allied House, 29-39 London Road, Twickenham, TW1 3SZ. Go on, do your worst.