Some people exhaust themselves completing marathons and scaling mountains for charity.

But one eight-year-old girl took on an even more epic task, spending two patient years growing her hair to help children who need wigs.

Julia Weatherholtz, who attends Kew Riverside Primary School embarked upon her mission after hearing about a company in the USA who need human hair to make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to a range of medical conditions.

She called the company, Locks of Love, who told her they needed hair which was at least 10 inches long and the task began.

Julia, who originally comes from Virginia in the USA explained: "When I was in America my teacher had a girl who donated her hair and it sounded really cool to me."

But as most women will understand, growing your hair is not as easy as it may sound. Julia said: "I used to find it a big pain, it took almost half an hour just to brush."

Rachel Phillips, her headteacher, said: "Julia's commitment to this project has been amazing, she has shown a compassion for others less fortunate than herself and inspired her friends and family with her kind and thoughtful donation. Julia should be very proud of herself"

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