Mention the names Kander and Ebb and you may get a blank look but follow that with the composers of Cabaret', Chicago', New York, New York' and the reaction will be quite different.

Recently The World Goes Round played at ArtsEd Schools in Bath Road, Chiswick.

This show is a joyous compendium of songs from those hit shows mentioned and others less known here than in America which gave us an opportuntiy to see what a great team they were.

The simple black staging here with black workclothes allows us to concentrate both on the brilliant songs and the excellence of the performers who are brimful of talent and bursting with youthful energy. Not only do they bring out the wit and humour of the songs but they are equal to showing the sadness of some with a skill that many more seasoned artists might envy.

All are first-class but Sophia, Kesia, Laura, Lisa, Josh, Conleth, Cameron and Stephen stand. out.

They seem such a friendly crew that I'm sure they'll forgive me for calling them only by their forenames!

Richard Langton