Extremism, terrorism and the "disengagement" of young people in Hounslow will be examined in a report being carried out by a council unit.

The Community Development and Regeneration Unit (CDRU) will work closely with community leaders and government agencies to try to get to the root of any problems.

It comes after Asif Hanif, from Hounslow, became Britain's first suicide bomber, when he blew himself up in Tel Aviv in 2003.

The CDRU will also "look at the operation of far right groups in Hounslow and the attraction to far right ideology by socially excluded white young people".

Sabin Malik, a community cohesion officer from the CDRU, said that much work was being done to combat extremism in the borough.

She said: "We want to give pride to our young people and give them opportunities and youth facilities where they can become part of the local society and they don't become disengaged."