All the iniquities of the new Post Office telegraph phone system have not yet been discovered. The old National Telephone Company private house charges, anywhere in the metropolitan section, which practically covers the whole of Greater London, were £10 a year inclusive. The new household charge for the administrative county of London' (which is a very different thing), is £5 per year and a penny per call; but in all other areas is £4 per year and 2d. a call or a fixed sum of £17 per year.

A special meeting of the Chiswick Urban District Council was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The meeting was convened to consider the report of the deputation who visited Bristol with reference to the sewage question.

The Sunday scholars of St. Paul's, Grove Park, had their annual treat at the Church Institute, Strand-on-the-Green, on Tuesday, when a thoroughly enjoyable evening commenced with good tea, to which the young people did full justice. Subsequently the vicar, the Rev. Nevison Loraine, presented prize books to the scholars for good conduct and regular attendance.