The winner of the 'Lady Godiva' hairstyle competition run by the Brentford and Chiswick Times has been announced as Mrs. C. Phillips, of Chiswick-lane, Chiswick. She wins £3 National savings and a 3 Guinea perm. The competition was run in connection with the film 'Lady Godiva Rides Again'.

Whilst entering Chiswick police station on Tuesday evening to report the theft of his bicycle, Mr Brian Hannaford from Acton, saw it being wheeled along Chiswick High road by a man riding another bicycle. Magistrate Mr KA Cleland said bicycle stealing had got to stop: Invariably they are stolen from people who can ill afford the loss.''

The lecture room at Brentford library was filled to capacity when coloured slides of scenes in Kew Gardens were shown there by Mr.Rawlings on Friday. Remarking that the gardens were not yet back to their pre-war standard, He said that many women were employed in them during the war who, though they did a grand job, killed a lot of specimens (laughter),