IT IS something of a lucky dip this year for the popular Kew Fayre which may have to be cancelled due to lack of sponsorship.

Increased requirements in liability cover, health and safety and infrastructure have put up the cost of running the event, which should take place in September.

More stalls and a price increase have raised additional revenue but the fayre is now operating at the full capacity of the site and the scope for further price increases is limited.

The Kew Fayre Association explained that infrastructure costs have soared due to health and safety requirements and an increase in insurance premiums.

The deputy chairman, Hal Burnett, said: "Our traditional sources of income are clearly inadequate.

"Kew Fayre is one of the largest events on Kew's calendar, bringing many people through the village and providing advertising opportunities.

"It is definitely a boost for local businesses, yet we receive support from only a small number of those businesses.

"We can explore new revenue sources such as asking visitors to donate a small entry charge.

"If we averaged only 50p per head it could generate most of our requirement. But this would be very difficult given the open nature of Kew Green."

The Kew Fayre Association, which is a non-profit organisation, will have to cancel the fayre and they say it will be very difficult to resurrect the event after that.

Mr Burnett added: "Kew Fayre is a historic community event. Now, more than ever, we need to see the community support this event."

The association can be contacted on 020 8580 5487.