STUDENTS at Longford Community School visited Hounslow Police Station recently to help further the relationship between police and local schools.

Year Eight students saw where emergency calls are received and how they are despatched as well as receiving a tour of the station's facilities. They then had the opportunity to question Hounslow Police's Borough Liaison Officer, Chief Inspector Wynne Jones.

Feltham PC Kevin Sinclair said the visit was an extension of the school's drop in police surgery, which he operates at the school for two hours each week.

"The surgery has been expanded to allow supervised visits of the police station. This is to show that police don't just fly' around in cars, but that officers are on their way to emergency situations. Year Eight students have already visited Feltham Police Station, seen the equipment carried in various cars and handled riot shields and body armour."

A spokesman from Longford School commented: "As a result of Longford Community School opening up a police surgery led by PC Kevin Sinclair, Longford students got the opportunity to visit Hounslow police station and see for themselves how operations are run there.

"One of the most exciting parts of the visit was to see the inside of a police van which contained police officers' riot gear including helmets, shields and batons."

He added: "It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to improve relations with the local police force and we would like to thank PC Sinclair for the visit. The drop-in clinic has been extremely well received and takes place on Thursday afternoons."