LIBERAL Democrat London Mayoral candidate, Simon Hughes was in Hounslow at the weekend to release details of one of his 'big ideas for London', which will be the cornerstone of his manifesto for the elections on June 10 for London Mayor.

Mr Hughes has proposed "One Number for London" - a one-stop help line, which would operate 24 hours a day and always be answered by a real person. It would be customer driven, answering queries, distributing information and advice and recording incidents. The proposed number for this would be 566 366 - the numbers of the word 'London' as spelt on the keypad of mobile phones.

A three stage phasing in of the system over one to two years would eventually include: registering a complaint about noise, graffiti or abandoned vehicles; planning your tube or bus journey; asking for opening times of local libraries and leisure centres etc; checking rubbish and recycling collection dates and finding out information about London's attractions and events.

Mr Hughes said: "London is a twenty-four hour city and so everyone must have access to services in the same way."