SEATS at a showing of Mel Gibson's controversial film The Passion of the Christ' will be taken up by different denominations as Chiswick's churches join together for a private screening.

Members of congregations from Our Lady of Grace RC Church, the Chiswick Christian Centre and the Anglican Christ Church of Turnham Green are amongst those who will fill the 300 reserved seats at Hammersmith's UGC Cinema on Monday March 29 at 8pm.

Some Church leaders have already been privy to advanced showings of the film. Rev Paul Whitehead from Chiswick Christian Centre said: "'Watching 'The Passion' was a deeply fearful and moving experience. The film graphically dramatises the utter brutality of Christ's death, in a way I've never seen before. I was left shaken but yet deeply touched by a true depth of Christ's love for us all and the lengths He went to bring us His forgiveness."

Despite the violent images of the film, which the media has used to vilify it, Church leaders believe it is important that people form their own opinions about the portrayal of Christ's life. Rev James Dainty, Christ Church, said: "There are a lot of people who have reacted to the film without having seen it. We want to take people to see it and give them an opportunity to make their own minds up."

Monsignor Jim Curry's parishioners at Our Lady of Grace suggested the group screening. He said: "It's a positive thing that the Christians of the area are keen to see it together and not pass judgement until then."

Following in a long tradition of paintings, stories, films and songs depicting the life of Christ, Monsignor Curry added: "We'll see what Mel Gibson makes of it."

Tickets for the event are now sold out.