TWO successful prosecutions for noise nuisance have underlined the Council's commitment to protecting residents' quality of life.

Dominic Whelan, of Florence Gardens, Chiswick, was prosecuted for failing to comply with the requirements of an abatement notice. Following a guilty plea, he was given a conditional discharge for a year and ordered to pay the Council's costs of £100.

Jennat Bains, of Annandale Road, Chiswick also pleaded guilty to causing noise nuisance, and was fined £75, with costs of £100 awarded to the Council. Her equipment was seized and will be held for six months before being given to charity or destroyed.

Hounslow's Head of Pollution Control, Gerry McCarthy, said: "There are a number of ways in which neighbours can avoid causing nuisance. We are more than happy to advise residents of how not to cause a nuisance to their neighbours. These prosecutions show we are determined to take legal action where our advice is ignored. "

The cases were heard at Brentford Magistrates Court.

A council spokesman gave some tips for reducing noise: "When using your TV or stereo, think about the volume or use headphones. Consider not mowing the lawn or starting the DIY in the morning - you might be an early riser but others could be trying to get some rest. If you're planning a party, tell your neighbours in advance - or even invite them! Site speakers away from party walls and do not place directly on floor. Keep the volume at a reasonable level."