A Hounslow Labour councillor has been indefinitely suspended by his own party after he was convicted of flouting planning laws.

Councillor Jiwan Virk was given the strongest punishment possible by his party, who bowed to pressure to kick the landlord out of the Labour group, after he illegally converted a family home into flats.

It led to the Labour councillor for Bedfont appearing before Feltham Magistrates’ Court where he was ordered to pay a £1,000 fine and £2,958 costs.

Coun Mark Bowen, deputy leader of Hounslow Council, said: “I would be very interested to hear what Coun Virk has to say about this. Labour’s own statement has backfired, Coun Sharma accused the council of being institutionally racist.

“This shows more than ever that anyone will be prosecuted who breaks planning regulations. As for Coun Virk, I think he should, as a minimum, agree never to participate in planning decisions again. He would recover some dignity to stand down as a councillor and call a by-election.

“I think he is shaming himself and I think residents in this borough will be disgusted.”

Labour called a group meeting this week where there widespread calls for Coun Virk to be kicked out of the party.

Coun Ruth Cadbury said: “There was widespread condemnation for Coun Virk’s behaviour. He has clearly acted in a way that is not compatible with party values. There was universal anger at his actions among the party, which he has brought into disrepute.

“This is the strongest punishment the Labour Party can give out.”

Coun Virk, who was unavailable for comment, had previously said he was “upset” by the prosecution and had no plans to step down, accusing Coun Bowen of pursuing the case against him.

The landlord, of Basildene Road, said: “Mark Bowen is the deputy leader, and as deputy leader he is instigating the legal department to do these things.”

He said he had complied with an enforcement notice almost a month before he was issued with a court summons in February this year, adding he could not do it before because he needed to evict a young family living at the property.

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