Nine-years-old Roy Crompton, of Andover Road, Twickenham, who was rescued unconscious from the River Crane last Wednesday evening, has now completely recovered. His rescuers were Peter Fleming, aged 15, of Camac Road, and Harry Calver, aged 14, of Andover Road. Peter Fleming, a pupil of Kneller School, was congratulated for his part in the rescue in front of his fellow pupils on Monday by the headmaster Mr A C Ellis.

As the moon approached its fullness today, police patrolled the lonely towpath near Teddington Lock. They waited to trap the double killer should he return to the scene of his crime. The patrols will continue until Wednesday.

HRH the Duchess of Kent, president of Alexandra Rose Day, included Kew, Richmond and Ham for the first time in her tour of rose depots on Tuesday. Her Highness was wearing a white pique dress patterned with pink roses, a white hat and white accessories.