The borough's top cop has urged parents to make sure they know where their children are after about 100 youths descended on the Teddington area last week for a pre-arranged fight.

Police recieved information something was going to take place on Friday, February 29, and borough commander Detective Chief Superintendent Rick Turner authorised officers to carry out searches.

Cops from Teddington, Hampton Hill and Hampton Wick safer neighbourhood teams searched 60 youngsters from places including Esher, Kingston, Ham and Twickenham, finding and confiscating alcohol.

No fight took place but many of those stopped said they had heard something was due to happen and had come to look. Everyone stopped will have a letter sent to parents informing them of the incident while two teenage girls had to be taken to hospital by their parents after being found collapsed due to alcohol poisoning.

Det Ch Spt Turner said: "I treat very seriously any intelligence that groups of school youngsters are congregating to cause a disturbance or fight each other.

"Young persons and their parents need to be aware that police will deal very firmly with these individuals and judicial action may follow.

"I will not have groups of youngsters involved in potential antisocial behaviour on the streets and I would urge parents to know where there children are at 8pm or 9pm. My officers will make high-visibility patrolling their priority and anyone breaking the law will be dealt with firmly and parents and schools will be informed."