Everybody loves a good moan from time to time, none more so than about councils.

Whether it is bins, housing or just a general moan about littering, people love to complain about councils.

In a new report, Bexley Council has revealed which departments have received the most complaints in the last two years - and which have had the least.

Since switching from a three stage to a two stage complaint system, the council has seen a decrease in the amount of people complaining.

A spokesman for the corporate complaints services said: "The council has made significant improvements in recent years in the management and effectiveness of its complaints procedure.

These improvements are reflected across a range of indicators including, in particular, the latest annual letter from the Local Government Ombudsman, which showed a significant improvement in the proportion of cases where the Ombudsman confirmed the Council’s decision in 2016/17."

Between April and August 2016, the council received 491 complaints, and most of them were over housing. A total of 317 complaints were made about public protection, housing and public realm - making up nearly half of the total. From that, 11 complaints were taken all the way through the three stage process and on to the Ombudsman.

Only one person complained about corporate policy and communications during that period.

The same goes for April to August this year, as 263 complaints were made about housing out of a total of 426. Again, communications got of easy, with nobody feeling the need to complain about the department.

One stark increase in complaints is over regeneration, in 2016 only six people complained but this year that number is over five times as high, coming in at 33.

Only four complaints have been taken all the way to the ombudsman this year, compared to 18 in the four month 2016 period.

A council spokesman said: "It was determined that the Council could move to a two-stage complaints process which would enable it to maintain the focus on continuing to improve the quality of investigations and responses whilst providing a quicker and more streamlined complaints service for residents."