An army of fleas threaten to invade homes throughout the borough posing the biggest risk to homes with a pet.

Basis Prompt, a pest controller register, has warned that pet should stay on high alert due to fears that infestations could be on a much larger scale than usual in Richmond and Twickenham.

Following the warm temperatures at the start of the summer following one of the mildest winters on records creating the perfect breeding ground for parasites.

Nigel Binns, of Basis Prompt, said: “The activity and behaviour of fleas is often very much dependent on the climate.

“Mild temperatures during the winter means that fewer than usual will have been killed off and as they thrive in a warm and humid environment they’re likely to be present in greater numbers than usual during the next few weeks.

“The population of fleas seems to have grown rapidly in recent years but the risk of an infestation could be bigger than ever this summer.”

Fleas, known for painful bites that irritate the skin, are typically carried into homes by cats and dogs, either from encounters with other cats or having come into contact with wildlife such as rodents, foxes or rabbits.

They thrive on the pet themselves or can be transferred to sofas, bedding, carpets or rugs and will often breed at an alarming rate – the female flea can lay 40 to 50 eggs per day and up to around 1,000 in a lifetime.

Eggs can hatch in a matter of days in warm and humid conditions while adult fleas, usually only 2mm long can live anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months if undisturbed.

Mr Binns warns that pets that are constantly scratching can provide the first sign of an infestation.

“That can be confirmed, in cats or dogs with light-coloured coats, by brushing back their hair and finding either fleas or droppings,” added the pest controller.

“In dark-coated breeds, it may be better to comb the animal over a light-coloured bed-sheet or towel to highlight any fleas or their droppings as they fall.

“The identity of the black specks may be confirmed by adding a few drops of water and if they turn red, your pet has fleas.

“Bite marks on you or members of the family, usually around ankles or legs, often leave small red spots which are itchy and, if you do have fleas in your home, you may even see them jumping on your carpet or furniture.”

Anyone who does discover an infestation is urged to contact a professional pest control company that belongs to PROMPT for treatment.