Former council leader Colin Ellar is hoping to get back on the council at next week's byelection.

He is standing for Labour in the by- election caused by the resignation of Councillor Harley Buckner, who is leaving due to differences with the Conservative administration The full list of candidates for the forthcoming Hanworth Park byelection next Thursday was unveiled this week.

Mr Ellar who is 56-years-old has lived in the borough since 1996 with his partner, Yvonne and teenage son.

He lost his seat after a shock defeat in last year's borough election, ending 35 year's of Labour dominance.

Launching his candidacy, he pledged to return cash earmarked to repair crumbling roads in the borough, which had been slashed from £300,000 to £178,000. He also criticised the closure of the Eldridge care home and hoped the home in Feltham could be re-opened.

He added: "I fully support the work of police to combat antisocial behaviour in their efforts to launch a dispersal zone in Feltham town centre. The area has attracted large numbers of young people who are engaging in unruly behaviour and tear around on motorbikes on the streets. Unfortunately, it is a problem which the Tories failed to tackle.

"Another priority is the building of a multi-sports complex in Feltham area including a range of sports such as five-a-side football, extreme sports and skateboarding. The project, which was shelved by the Conservatives in favour of a dog toilet, is a tremendous waste of a resource as it is an attractive site, which has now become redundant. In my opinion, the Tories did not have the best of the residents at heart and we are looking at ways to move the regeneration of Feltham forward."

Anthony Aguis has been nominated as the Green Party candidate. Anthony, who lives in Isleworth said local politics needed an injection of principles combined with a long term view on political choices.

"Too often the other parties decide what their stand will be on a particular issue either by just trying to be popular - without regard for what is right - or opposing whatever the other party has put forward.

"In the Green Party we subscribe to a set of values, our core principles, which sets out our commitment to diversity, sustainability and human rights (including the rights of future generations) from which all our more detailed policies follow."

He said that the proposed Slough Incinerator illustrated the attitude of the mainstream parties and the biggest step forward was to produce less waste.

He added: "The public, by and large, recognise that there is too much packaging but it is difficult for them unilaterally to do anything about it. It is the shops attitudes which need changing, and this is where a major campaign of education and information by the council could pay for itself and more. It is absolutely critical that we find ways to reduce the size of the waste mountain at source."

Anthony is keen to see change in other areas, including public consultations, which he said had not improved under Conservative control.

He also promised to implement policies to ensure utility companies conduct high quality repairs on the crumbling road surfaces with the fall-back position of court action if they fail.

Paul Jabbal, chairman of the Boundaries Road Residents Association has been selected to represent the Conservatives.

He has lived in the area for 22 years with his wife and two daughters.

On his selection he said: "I believe that Hanworth Park has come a long way in the last year since we have had the Conservatives as the leading coalition partner now running Hounslow Council and things can only improve if we keep this ward Conservative.

"The freezing of council tax was symbolic of good governance after the many years of large tax increases from the previous Labour administration.

"I look forward to meeting local residents during this campaign."

Standing for the Liberal Democrats is local campaigner Simon Martin and representing the Hounslow Alliance is former councillor Vanessa Smith.