Heathrow said a third runway was critical the UK’s economy as it revealed its updated plan for expansion today.

The south-west London airport said its revised plans, which will be submitted to the Airports Commission tomorrow, will create more than 100,000 new UK jobs and at least £100bn of UK economic benefits by connecting all of the UK to global growth.

The plans, which have been modified since its last submission in July 2013, said that by 2030 the airport would reduce the number of people in its noise footprint by 30 per cent.

The updated runway plans would affect 200 fewer homes, it added.

John Holland-Kaye, development director and chief executive designate of Heathrow, said: “Our plans are deliverable.

“Heathrow offers the fastest, most cost effective and practical route to connect the whole of the UK to growth and we have proven our ability to deliver a world-class hub that will make Britain proud.

“Building on Heathrow’s existing strength will connect the whole of the UK to growth, keep Britain as an ambitious global nation and help the UK win the global race.”

Its claims about reduction in noise if a third runway was built were met with hostility from anti-expansion groups.

Campaign group Hacan, which opposes expansion at Heathrow, was sceptical of the claims the noise climate would improve with a third runway.

John Stewart, chairman of the group, said: “What these claims don’t take into account is the fact that it is the sheer volume of planes which disturbs people and a third runway will mean an extra 260,000 flights using Heathrow every year.

“It is a Alice-in-Wonderland fantasy to argue that over quarter of a million planes extra a year will not bring greater noise problems for most residents under the flight paths.”