
  • Live ammo and stolen motor scooter discovered in Thames

    A haul of live ammunition was discovered washed up on the riverbank near Twickenham Bridge by a dog walker on Monday afternoon. Oliver Miocic, who lives on a houseboat in east Twickenham, was walking along the river with friends when he discovered

  • Dementia day centre's £1m revamp to go ahead

    A dementia day centre in Whitton received the green light for a £1m rebuild. The Homelink Day Respite Centre, in Hospital Bridge Road, will be redesigned on its current site to create a new state-of-the-art care centre. The plans received the

  • Christmas fair raising money for Richmond's vulnerable

    A community cafe holds a Christmas fair to help vulnerable people. The Vineyard Community Centre Cafe in Richmond raises cash for those who find themselves needing help, whether they are homeless or have lost their job. Various activities have

  • It's cold outside - time to see your pharmacist

    As the weather gets colder and wetter, people are being urged to make the most of the pharmacy services in the borough Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group is encouraging more people to Ask Your Pharmacist as part of a nationwide initiative. Pharmacists